Group Members

Aashish Shivkumar

Graduate Student

Sascha Castro-Lingl

Graduate Student

Joseph Sawires

Graduate Student

Erin Jessup

Graduate Student

Jeewon Chung

Graduate Student

Wynne Sun

Graduate Student

Hyunji Yu

Graduate Student

Former Group Members

Post Doctoral Fellows:
Dr. Chih-Chin Chi, PhD. (currently a postdoc in Devaraj Lab at UCSD)
Dr. Geoffray Leriche, Ph.D (currently at Plexium)
Dr. Jessica Cifelli, Ph.D. (currently at Illumina)
Dr. Petra Inbar, Ph.D. (currently at Roche)
Dr. Enrico Bellomo, Ph.D. (currently at Abraxis Biosciences)
Dr. Xiaobei Zhao, Ph.D. (Assistant Project Scientist, UCSD School of Medicine)
Dr. Alice Luong, Ph.D. (currently a Research Director, Applaud Medical)
Dr. Kevin Cao, Ph.D. (currently a postdoc at UC Berkeley)
Dr. Heike Kroeger, Ph.D. (currently an Assistant Project Scientist, UCSD School of Medicine)
Dr. Patricia Gaffney, Ph.D., D.V.M. (currently a Research Scientist at UC Davis)
Doctoral Students:
Dr. Meihan Li, Ph.D., 2023 (currently a Scientist at esBioLab)
Dr. Kristine Teppang, Ph.D., 2023
Dr. Rachel Ehrlich, Ph.D., 2023
Dr. Kyle Berg, Ph.D., 2021 (currently a Scientist at Quansys Biosciences)
Dr. John Kim, Ph.D., 2020 (currently an Assistant Professor at Miramar College)
Dr. Takaoki Koyanagi, Ph.D., 2017 (currently a postdoc at Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation)
Dr. Young Hun Kim, Ph.D., 2017
Dr. Kevin Sibucao, Ph.D., 2017 (currently an Instructor of Chemistry at UC Berkeley)
Dr. Jessica Cifelli, Ph.D., 2016 (currently a postdoc in the Yang lab)
Dr. Kevin Cao, Ph.D., 2016 (currently a postdoc at UC Berkeley)
Dr. Dan Sheik, Ph.D., 2016 (currently a postdoc at Purdue)
Dr. Yuchen Cao, Ph.D., 2014 (Morrison & Foerster, patent law)
Dr. Christina C. Capule, Ph.D., 2011 (Research Scientist, Aimmune Therapeutics)
Dr. Lila Habib (Bioengineering), Ph.D., 2011 (tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physiology, Kuwait University)
Dr. Alice Luong, Ph.D., 2011 (Research Director, Applaud Medical)
Dr. Michael X. Macrae, Ph.D., 2011 (Environmental Engineer, Harvard University)
Dr. Mark Rubinshtein, Ph.D., 2011 (Jones Day, patent law)
Dr. Mahealani R. Bautista, Ph.D., 2009 (Professor, Santa Monica College)
Dr. Steven Blake, Ph.D., 2008 (Research Scientist, Malvern)

Masters Students:
Richard Niederecker, M.S. 2021 (currently at Illumina)
Lauren Guili, M.S. 2021 (currently at Eurofins)
Jiahui Feng, M.S. 2019
Jamie Do, M.S. 2015 (currently a Ph.D. student at University of Michigan)
Kate Veccharelli, M.S. 2013 (currently a Ph.D. student at UCSD)
Leibniz Hang, B.S. 2010, M.S. 2012 (currently a Ph.D. student at UCLA)
Seong Deok Kong, M.S. 2007 (Ph.D. in Mat. Sci. at UCSD, 2011)
Katie Li, B.S. 2006, M.S. 2007 (currently a Pharm.D. student at Mass. College of Pharmacy)
Valentina Matlachova, B.S. 2005, M.S. 2006 (currently a Ph.D. student at Caltech)
Margaret Tang, M.S. 2005 (currently at Foothill College)

Undergraduate Students:
YiYu Wang, B.S. 2023 (currently a Ph.D. student at UCSD)
Lorena Yu Liao, B.S. 2023 (currently a Ph.D. student at UCLA)
Qilin Zhao, B.S. 2023 (currently a Ph.D. student at Stanford)
Xuanmin Su, B.S. 2023
Ryan Wong
Taylor Rae Limon
Tai Nguyen, B.S. 2022
Alexander Shiao, B.S. 2021 (currently at Clipboard Health)
Ryan Ho
Kun Yong Jeoung, B.S. 2020 (currently a Ph.D. student at Boston College)
Carla Espinoza, B.S. 2020 (currently a Ph.D. student at UCSF)
Courtney Jang, B.S. 2020 (currently at Skaggs School of Pharmacy)
Ian Winchester
Henry Lee
Xueyi (Sylvia) Wei
Elissa Min (currently a Pharm D. student at Purdue)
Alvin Yep
Andy Nguyen (currently a M.S. student in Chemical Engineering at UCSD)
Venus Tong (currently a M.S. student in Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSD)
Tim Chung, B.S. 2011, M.S. 2012 (currently a Ph.D. student in Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA)
Ann Mycroft, UCSD senior chemistry major
Kara Velez, UCSD senior biochemistry major
Tawny Issarapanichkit, B.S. 2008 (currently a Pharm D. student at USC)
Michelle Lee, B.S. 2008
Brian Lu, UCSD biology major
Namtran Nguyen, B.S. 2007 (currently a Pharm D. student at Calif. Northstate Coll. Pharm.)
Catherine Hong, B.S. 2007 (Pharm.D. from UCSD)
Stacy Takayama, B.S. 2006 (currently a Pharm D. student at Calif. Northstate Coll. Pharm.)
Michael Kim, UCSD bioengineering major (currently at Genentech)
Kristin Lee, UCSD biology major
Katie Li, B.S. 2006, M.S. 2007 ( Pharm.D. from Mass. College of Pharmacy)
Valentina Matlachova, B.S. 2005, M.S. 2006 (currently a chemistry Ph.D. student at Caltech)
Narae Park, B.S. 2005 (currently a doctoral student at Caltech)
Michael Harris, B.S. 2005 (currently a Law student at Wash. U., St. Louis)
Matthew Rotz, B.S. 2005 (Ph.D. from Northwestern, currently a research scientist at Illumina)

High School Students:
Ronald Biggs, graduate of Hightechhigh International (currently a senior at UCSD)
Justin Ripley, graduate of Hightechhigh International (currently a junior at Columbia University)
John Roethle, junior at the University School of Milwaukee (will attend Yale University starting Fall 2013)
Interns and Visiting Scholars:
Lisha Lin, M.S. Eastern Kentucky University (currently a Ph.D. student at ASU)
Vansantha Neerudu, M.S. Osmania University
Pierrick Borgna, Baccalaureate from Universite de Toulon et du Var, Marseille, France
Audrey Rochoux, Baccalaureate from Ecole Generaliste d’Ingenieurs de Marseille, France
Rina Fong, B.S. UCSD, 2006
Barbara Breitenbücher, Diploma student from U. Würzburg, Germany
Eva Siedler, Diploma student from U. Würzburg, Germany
Roland Tran, M.S., University of California, Irvine
Jun Miyamoto, M.S., Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Hyeongjin Cho (Inha University, South Korea)
Prof. Xiaonan Dai (Shandong Polytechnic University, China)
Li Fu (Wuhan University)
Valentina Paolucci (visiting Ph.D. student from the U. Copenhagen)

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